25 April 2012

Moms on the Web

A mother with a perambulator using a laptop Sweden.
Mom’s on the Web!

            Stay at home moms have been doing a lot more than cooking, cleaning and being the caretaker.  In fact, they are quickly becoming America’s most powerful influence by reaching giant audiences through social media.  Stay at home moms are utilizing a variety of social media platforms and creating small media empires from their homes!

            Through Internet postings, vocal opinions and business acumen, these tech-savvy women have aroused the curiosity of millions of online followers and captured the attention of the big brands. They are doing it on their own schedules in between grocery shopping, scout meetings and soccer games and redefining what it means to be working moms.

            Oh, there’s more about these women!  Mothers are creatively sharing financial planning and other methods for financial success via webinars!  For example www.mothersandmore.org offers such information as forums and blogs that offer solutions to various life problems and discussion partners and work life balance.  This particular website also provides information as to how to make the most of your time and enjoy the benefits of being you and financial frustration “Power of a Purse”.  There is complete financial advisement and how to make money at home and save money at the same time.  All of the information anyone could ask for and it is all there to be learned at your leisure.

            The definition of the stay at home mom that delivered a meaning such as the glue that holds the family together by cooking, cleaning, getting her husband and children off to school and taking care of the baby is undergoing a dramatic change.   The stay at home mothers of the 21st century have something available to them that mothers in the past did not have.  What they have today is access to the internet.  This wonderful tool is providing options for women to create and develop their own businesses at home.  The financial success of the stay at home mom has delivered a huge amount of self-esteem, self-confidence, independence and self-identify.  In addition, mothers are able to stay close to their young children to bond, teach and care for them.  They are available for PTA meeting, sport practices, games and make money to care for themselves! 
In the past, mothers who made a cognizant decision to stay home and care for their children were pretty much isolated at home when tje husband went off to work, kids went off to school.  The only escape was to a PTA meeting, a grocery store outing or a trip to the playground if it were a nice day. With the internet close at hand mothers today are able to log onto a blog and vent about every happening that may have frustrated her from the time she woke up or she may choose to comfort a fellow stay at home mother by listening to her vent about the happenings of the day or join a group of creative thinkers on a blog that could make a lot of money!  Never before has mothers who choose to stay at home had so much financial opportunity, success and notoriety.  .

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