25 April 2012

Shhhh….Don’t Say Feminist-It’s a Bad Word

             At Women’s College of Denver University there is an ongoing debate between the women in regards to the word feminism. Classmate Shelly thinks we should change the word feminist altogether.  She explains “More men would be inclined to consider being feminist if we changed the name to something like humanist. Feminist sounds too harsh like it is an all-inclusive group only for women.” Shelly’s comments seem to stir mixed feelings among this group. Some women seem to share this egalitarian view while others like Melissa are far less eager to change a word that holds very close to her heart, “Why should women be expected to change the word “feminist” just because a few men don’t like the sound of it? Wouldn’t that be defeating the point?”
                These debates seem to raise a higher question on feminism being considered a bad word.  Should we shift our focus and change it to humanism? According to Webster’s dictionary feminism is defined as the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social and economic equality to men and humanism is defined as a system of thought that rejects religious beliefs and centers on their values, capacities and worth. Upon delving into these two definitions it appears they do not exactly relate. One is specifically promoting women’s rights and equality and the other is about releasing religious dogmas and treating people with respect for their lived experiences.  They are both grounded in treating people with equality but do they compare in meaning? This is a personal consideration that needs to happen between individual people and not one that should be determined for them. 
                Understanding the true meaning of the word could bring a better awareness to the overall population and maybe even undo the negative connotation the word has.  There are many campaigns going on in regards to changing the outlook on feminism. The Feminist Majority Foundation now has viral videos, t-shirts and billboards with the slogan, “This is what a Feminist looks like”.  These videos include famous cameos from America Ferrera, Larry David, Amy Brenneman and countless celebrities along with feminist activists that have joined together in hopes of creating a positive image for societies to perceive feminists, making it clear that it has less to do with your sex and everything to do with equality for all.  
                What matters most at the core of all of these debates is equality. Whether someone prefers to be called a feminist or a humanist is ultimately their own preference and choice. The focus should remain on changing the world to value everyone regardless of sex or gender. To learn more check out the www.Feminist.org website. 

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