09 May 2012

Break the Habit of Being Yourself

Break the Habit of Being Yourself
by Florence Yaeger

Noses pressed against the window, eyes peering in, it was the first time Denver's University College hosted an event where organizers literally had to turn people away. Standing room only. Why? There must be an upsurge in the amount of people who want to recreate their life. People seeking something more. And that’s exactly what renowned neuroscientist Dr. Joe Dispenza and University of Denver (DU) Master Scholar Beth Wolfson did last night as they delivered a 90-minute mind-altering presentation called, “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself." The workshop focused on the pioneering topic of how to train your brain to break unwanted habits by using sound neuroscience and applying the laws of quantum physics. Somehow, Dispenza makes this sound easy.

Over 200 people from all walks of life listened spellbound as Dr. Joe (as he is affectionately known to his supporters) lectured about the neurological and biological ways we can break habits and create a life we want using proven scientific techniques. Not only that, but it can launch stagnant businesses into new realms. There is an emerging science just starting to blossom around the brain’s neurons and neural pathways and how this science can be used to help businesses evolve. Just Google “business” and “neuroscience” and discover why Inc. Magazine, Fortune, Business Week, The New York Times—just to name a few—are all talking about this new relationship we can have with our brain.

“Nerve cells that fire together, wire together,” Dispenza told the rapt audience. “And nerve cells that no longer fire together, no longer wire together.” That’s known as Hebbian Law. Dispenza then showed video footage of actual brain neurons under an electron microscope. When we maintain negative thoughts, they collapse into our neural framework and stay there—until the synaptic connections are pruned away to make room for more welcoming and positive thoughts. If we maintain this change, eventually new neural pathways are formed in our brain. In essence, we break the habit of being our old self. 

Dottie and Donald Newton, a couple in their 80s visiting family in town, decided to take an adventure and trek down to DU’s Craig Hall for Dispenza’s talk. The Newton’s launched an audible “ooooh!” as Dispenza flipped through his slide presentation. “I learned that it’s not about positive thinking,” Dottie said. “That’s just putting positive goo over negative emotions. This is about weeding out the old negative thoughts and replacing them with affirming thoughts.” Donald added, “But you have to feel it with your emotions, too.”

The evening wrapped up with throngs of people newly-interested in brain science clamoring for Dr. Joe’s additional insights as he autographed his new book, “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself." As 23-year-old Andrea, dressed in what could be described as tasteful Bohemian waited in line, she tossed her blonde dregs and gushed, “I’ve never heard anything like this before. I can’t wait to try some of the techniques Dr. Joe mentioned. This is life-changing!”

In the meantime, well-polished and perfectly coiffed Emily, 57, CEO of Argus, a local financial firm, took a different stance from her professional black suit and fashionable pumps. “Businesses need to change, now more than ever,” she said. “I can’t see anything more critical than providing my employees with the tools they need to become the best they can be. Dr. Joe’s new training program is exactly what we were looking for to take our business to the next level.”

Dispenza and Wolfson, a sought-out speaker and corporate trainer, are taking neuroscience out of the lab and into corporate America. They’ve spent the last two years developing a training program that is now ready to be launched corporate-wide. When employees shift and grow and—let’s be honest—are happier, the effect organically enhances the well-being of an organization.

You may have heard Dr. Joe’s name before. He was one of the feautured scientists in the 2004 underground smash documentary, “What the Bleep Do We Know?!” He is also prominently featured in the new movie, just released in Denver last month, “People vs. the State of Illusion.” Filmmaker Austin Vickers noted at a special audience Q&A after the screening of the new movie, “Dr. Joe is absolutely at the forefront of the most groundbreaking and pioneering neuroscience research in history.”

For more information on having the 8-hour, cutting edge program, “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself,” delivered to your business by one of Dr. Joe’s certified trainers, contact Florence@DrJoeDispenza.com for details. If you missed the opportunity to attend this event, Dr. Dispenza, along with cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, will be appearing in Colorado again in July as they deliver a talk called “Get Your Shift Together.” 

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