08 May 2012

What happening to our kids?

Janay Samuels

Situtation below (Questions and Answers)

Q. My friend little sister 23 / 7, is in the third grade, attending a catholic school.  My friend works at the school where her little sister attend.  Her little sister has been getting bullied  She is immature, she is quite small, she is extremely bright and she has leadership qualities and won’t follow the crowd.

Some of the bigger girls, who may be more mature, kick her, push her and knock her down if there is no supervision on the playground. A social worker at the school is helping her deal with this problem, and the parents are talking with her, but how can they help her sister deal with these bullies? How can they empower her?
I’m afraid these bullies will make her hate school or turn her into a fearful little girl. You know how big sisters worry!

A. Your friend sister needs to know that bullies are made, not born; that they try to act stronger than anyone else because life has made them feel so weak; and that they look down on others because they are really looking down on themselves.
Your friend sister also needs to know that a bully hardly ever attacks anyone unless she has a small gang to back him up. These bullies-in-training are her cheerleaders. They willingly echo her words, throw a punch (if she throws one first), keep a watch out for grown-ups and even lie for her and themselves if they’re caught because they don’t want their leader to bully them or throw them out of the group. Everyone wants to belong to something, even in third grade.
It’s the bully, however, who decides which child is the most vulnerable, because she likes an easy target. She may mock the way the child walks or talks, because she knows that these basic traits are very hard to change. She may ridicule her clothes or her sneakers, because she knows that she didn’t have many choices, or, as you discovered, she may attack a small child because she’s small for her age and a mixed child (more than one race).
A bully also chooses children who are safe targets, and most girls are fairly safe. Even a 6-year-old usually doesn’t tell her parents or her teacher that she has been humiliated unless the bullying gets really bad.
And most bullies prefer to harass children at school and usually in places with little or no supervision: the bathrooms, the lunch tables, the hallways and the playground. Bullying is also more likely to occur if the school is too big for the principal to keep track of everyone, if the teachers don’t respect the children and don’t demand respect either, if the school isn’t a warm and positive place, if the principal doesn’t set clear limits and enforce them, and if the school doesn’t have a strong anti-bullying policy.
Even if the policy is a good one, it doesn’t sound as though it is being followed too well at your friend sister’s school. To make some changes, the parents should tell the principal how their child is being treated at school, because she will probably pay more attention to them than she would pay to the social worker.
They also should ask her to send the school’s anti-bullying rules home with each student and read them aloud at the next parent meeting. They could also request that parents take turns monitoring the playground and the cafeteria from noon to 1 every day.
The parents can also strengthen their child, both psychologically and physically, if they sign her up for an activity that will help her develop one of his three to four natural talents. The more they encourage her strengths, rather than her weaknesses, the more self-confident she’ll be.
They might also enroll her in one of the martial arts, so she can think about the karate chop she’d like to give to that bully one day. If your friend sister focuses on her courage, she’ll always feel braver and better able to stand up to any child or any teacher or boss who tries to bully him.
You can also help your friend by letting her visit this great stop bulling site, for games and help for this situation. http://www.stopbullying.gov/